Next week, Democrats are expected to vote on “Red Flag Laws” which result in a severe restriction of your 2nd Amendment Rights. If signed into law, anyone – including domestic abusers, bitter ex-partners, and even political extremists – would be able to report you to law enforcement and request immediate confiscation of your firearms.
Requests are given ex parte hearings (in which you have no opportunity to speak in your own defense) and are almost always rubber-stamped by the court. You would have to fight a massive legal battle just to win back your constitutional right to defend yourself.
Call and Email these Democrat lawmakers and tell them VOTE NO! Contact your own representative, then also contact the representatives in the swing districts noted below.
(SE Washtenaw/Monroe) - Regina Miller (517) 373-0159 [email protected]
Regina Miller represents Augusta Township and most of York Township in Washtenaw County and occupies a swing district.
(Battle Creek) - Jim Haadsma (517)-373-2616 [email protected]
(Dexter) - Jennifer Conlin (517)-373-7557 [email protected]
(Downriver) - Jamie Churches (517) 373-0478 [email protected]
(Walker) - Carol Glanville (517) 373-0476 [email protected]
(GR) - Rachel Hood (517) 373-1790 [email protected]
(Marquette) - Jenn Hill (517) 373-0498 [email protected]
(Utica) - Joey Andrews (517) 373-0827 [email protected]