Fall is always a wonderful time of year. The weather becomes more comfortable, football season starts up, kids are back in school and the leaves are starting to change color.
On November 7th, 2023, we have another election coming up. This is an off-year election, with the main elections being candidates for:
• City of Chelsea, City Council Members
• City of Manchester, Mayor and City Council Members
• City of Milan, Mayor and City Council Members
• City of Saline, City Council Members
• Milan City, Library Board
Additionally, there are Proposals on the Ballot. These include:
• City of Manchester, Charter for the City of Manchester
• City of Milan, Library Renewal Millage
• Manchester Township, Fire Protection Services Millage Renewal
• Scio Township, Fire Services Improvement and Expansion Millages (2 Proposals)
• Lincoln Consolidated School District, Operating Millage and Millage Renewal (2 Proposals)
• Manchester Community Schools, Bond Proposal
• Napoleon Community Schools, Bond Proposal
You can go to the Washtenaw County Clerk’s website to find the names of the candidates for each of these races and some details on the Ballot Proposals. The website is at this link.
Please note in the off year November elections, the average turnout in Washtenaw County is typically 18%-20% of all registered voters, compared to approximately 60% or higher turnout for gubernatorial or presidential elections. The difference between winners and losers is these off-year elections is typically just a few hundred votes. If you want to see a candidate get elected or a tax millage defeated, reach out to your friends, neighbors, co-workers and church members to get them to come out and vote.
This year, most cities and townships are voting normally, no early in-person voting. The one exception to this at this time is Scio Township, which will do 9-day voting. Absentee ballots are supported as well. In the next election cycle (2024), with the passage of Proposition 2 in 2022, there will be a 9-day voting period. The details of how this will work are still being worked out between Washtenaw County and the city/township government bodies within the county. Check with your city/township clerk’s office to find the voting locations and times for the 2023 elections.