Judge P. William O'Grady

Candidate for Michigan Supreme Court



Judge Patrick William “Bill” O’Grady is running for the Michigan Supreme Court’s 4-year position. Judge O’Grady has spent his entire life serving us with a heavy emphasis on protecting our families. First, he was in the U.S. Army Reserve until he received an Honorable Discharge in 2002. Judge O’Grady also served as a Michigan State Trooper, patrolling the highways and streets of Michigan, dealing with every type of situation imaginable. While serving as a Trooper, he attended law school and was then recruited into the Branch County Prosecutor’s Office, where he served as the Assistant Prosecutor. Then, in 2008, he was elected by the citizens of his county to serve as a Judge of the Circuit Court. Judge O’Grady has distinguished himself on the bench, having served as Chief Judge of the Branch County Circuit Court.

Judge O’Grady and his wife Wendy were raised in St. Clair County and reside in Branch County, where they have raised their three children.

No one else in this race has seen the law from all the angles that Judge O’Grady has. His experience sets him aside and has prepared him to be a fair Rule of Law Justice on Michigan’s Supreme Court. Judge O’Grady protects our families, our rights, and our Michigan.

Please visit judgeogrady4supremecourt.com for more information.